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School Logo

Acorn Academy

Infant and Nursery School

Speech and Language Centre

Who's who

The Team at Acorn Academy


Leadership Team

Mrs C Noble


Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mrs E Daniels

Assistant Headteacher



Mrs C Fuller



Safeguarding Team

Mrs C Noble

Mrs E Daniels

Mrs C Fuller

Mrs A Hatchman


Nursery Teacher

Miss J Beard


Reception Teachers

Mrs C Fuller

Miss V Wright

Mrs L Bass

Mrs H Minnis


Year 1 Teachers

Miss A Rushant

Miss K Ruff

Mrs V Matson

Mrs E Elliott


Year 2 Teachers

Mrs N McIntyre

Mrs P Voyce

Miss S Thorogood


Higher Level Teaching Assistants 

Mrs C Miller

Mrs T Snelling-Smith

Mrs A Acquah

Mrs L Barber

Miss M Yates

Mrs D Succamore


Learning Support Assistants

Mr B Allen

Mrs C Shelley

Mrs L Taylor

Mrs T Rainger

Miss L Baker

Mrs J Moore

Mrs A Richardson

Mrs S Stephenson

Miss T Bangs

Mrs A Challinor

Mrs K Mason

Mrs T Angell

Mrs S George

Miss S Johnson


Office Team

Mrs J Cullum

Mrs N James

Mrs A Hatchman - Home/School support


Midday Assistants 

Mrs A Challinor

Mrs C Wilcox

Mrs K Mason

Mrs T Angell

Mrs S Barefield

Mrs A Collingwood

Mrs T Rainger

Mrs J Cullum

Mrs A Hatchman

Mrs S Stephenson

Mrs A Richardson

Mrs S George

Miss S Johnson

Mr B Goodchild


Catering Team

Mrs J Mawhood

Miss S Chittock

Miss K Croney-Parker

Mrs A Challinor


Site Manager

Mr M Harrison


Sports Coach - SCS

Mr B Goodchild


Speech Therapists

Mrs K Cross

Mrs G Evans 




Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795.

Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

