SEND/Speech and Language Provision
Children’s progress at school is regularly monitored and parents are kept informed at parents meetings. If we feel that children require additional support, we will arrange a meeting between the class teacher and the child’s parents to discuss our concerns. If you, as the child’s parents have any concerns then you can also request a meeting to discuss the next steps.
If a child needs help over and above that which is normally available within the curriculum differentiation, the class teacher and Learning Support Assistants will provide additional support.
Additional support may include:
- adapted learning materials
- some extra group or individual support
- support from a Learning Support Assistant.
We also identify children who are making exceptional progress and additional challenges are provided for more able children. The school compiles a register of children who are considered to be gifted and/or talented. Parents are informed of this and will be invited to attend a meeting with the class teacher to discuss how the school is meeting these additional needs.
We aim to work closely with parents, involving them at all times in their children’s education.
Mrs Emma Daniels is our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) and she manages the SEND provision at our school. Mrs Daniels can be contacted via the school office - 01376 512605 or
Speech and Language Provision
Pupils in our speech and language provision all have specific speech, language and communication needs. Specialist staff within our speech and language provision work together to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of all of our children. Parents who would like their child to be considered for a place in our speech and language provision should speak to their child's current school in the first instance. From September 2016, the admission arrangements to our speech and language provision were changed so that children no longer need an EHCP (Education and Health Care Plan) to access this support. Children will be remain on roll at their local school while attending our speech and language provision and staff from their local school will be fully involved in reviewing their progress during this time. Our aim is for children to receive the high level of support they need in order to return to their local school as soon as possible.
All pupils are treated as individuals and their needs are assessed accordingly. Pupils spend the majority of the time in age appropriate mainstream classes with their peer group. They are supported by our specially trained Class Teachers and Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) to access their learning through their specific speech and language targets. In this way, children benefit from working in small groups with either a specialist teacher, specialist HLTA, LSA or speech and language therapist as well as working in a larger class situation. This enables them to receive the intensive speech and language support they require as well as use their developing skills in many group situations. Mrs Cheryl Noble is our Speech and Language Lead and manages the Speech and Language Provision, she can be contacted via the school office.